"Dear mom, I am sorry that the boat has drowned and I wasn't able to make it to Europe. I am sorry that I won't be able to send you back the money you had to borrow for my boat trip. Don't be sad if they never find my corpse in this wild sea; it won't bring me back to you, it will only bring you more debt and more funeral, burial, and transportation expenses.
I am sorry that the war has happened, and I'm sorry that I had to leave just like all the other kids who had dreams. Although my dreams weren't too big; I only dreamt of affording a bottle of medicine for your illness, and some money to fix your teeth.
By the way, the color of my teeth right now is green because of all the algae stuck on it. I still believe they're better looking than the teeth of our dictator though...
I am sorry that I built you an imaginary house in my dreams; a cozy wooden hut like the one in movies. A hut that is very far from barrel bombs, airplanes, and all the sectarianism we were surrounded with.
Dear brother, I am sorry that I wasn't able to send you the $50 I promised I will send every month to buy yourself something nice before you graduate.
Dear sister, I am sorry that I wasn't able to send you a nice smartphone with all the wi-fi and the technology that your friends at school are buying.
Dear home, I am sorry that I will never ever hang my jacket behind your door again.
Dear divers and rescue teams, I am sorry for all the trouble you have to go through to find our bodies, as I don't know the name of the sea I'm drowning in.
Dear United Nations and government agencies, please stay comfortable and please rest assured that I will never be a burden on you anymore.
Thanks to the sea who welcomed us without a visa... Thanks to the fish who will eat on my body without asking me for my religion, or political status...
Thanks to all the TV channels and news outlets who will share our news for a few minutes everyday to make some money off our story while it's still hot and interesting.
Thank you all for feeling sorry for us...
I am sorry that I drowned..."
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